Chapter 11

Collaborative workshops

A website is a shared resource with many people involved, so you need to work together when planning how to structure your content. Priorities will clash, and you need to get those out in the open. A shared vision is required.

One stakeholder wants to ensure media asset reuse, which requires more fields for metadata that editors need to fill out. Is media reuse really beneficial, or is it a feature nobody needs? A marketing stakeholder wants a deluge of category fields so analytics can be tagged properly. These are all fields editors need to get information for and fill out. Are the analytics worth slowing down the publishing cadence? Maybe. You won’t know until you discuss it.

Workshops are also a great way to brainstorm and sketch ideas. Seeing visuals put on the page can help focus a discussion and get people talking. Use this time to find 80% solutions that work for everyone instead of five different 100% solutions that all do similar things.

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