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Multiple copies of assets
Editors often re-upload the same image over and over again, even though they could have reused one already present in the system. This leads to resource bloat, and if you have lots of content, it can significantly increase storage costs. And for those editors who do search for assets before thinking of uploading their own, it makes it harder for them to find what they are looking for.
Technology cannot solve the issue of multiple copies of assets. Unless editors change their habits, implementing the most robust, feature-rich DAM (Digital Asset Manager) on the planet won’t solve the problem. Assets still need to be tagged and organized so people can actually find them, and doing that requires people, not technology.
- Training editors. You can’t get around training editors to search for assets before uploading new assets. But this also means that they need training to name and tag assets properly so they can actually be found.
- Great UX for asset management. If you are asking for someone to change their habits, the least you could do is make it as easy as possible. A great user experience for searching and tagging assets increases the likelihood of success.