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Consider having content specialists AND content editors

The content needs of organizations have become more complex over time, and content entry has become a professional skill of its own. As content models grow and content reuse becomes a concern, you need to have people who understand how everything connects together. You want content writers writing content. You don’t want them worrying about the implications of the content model or asking questions such as:

  • How will editing this article affect everywhere else this article is referenced?
  • Is it safe to roll back to a previous revision?
  • What metadata is appropriate for this content?
  • Do we need another taxonomy term, or should we re-use a previous one?

Entering content into modern websites is not just “data entry.” It’s a specialized skill all on its own.

Let the subject matter experts write the content, and let a content entry specialist enter the content.

This usually allows you to have a smaller team directly editing the website, a team specializing in the website itself, which helps solve a lot of challenges upfront. In this scenario, it helps to have a robust preview system for writers and subject matter experts to see their content prior to publication. Great previews provide a natural point of communication between content specialists and the editorial team.